ICEE 2006 Author Index

This file contains a listing of all conference authors whose last name begins with the letter J. The list is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. Click on the title of the paper to see the paper. Click on the additional authors to see their Author Index entries.

Jackman, John Jackson, Michael Jaimes Suárez, Sonia Alexandra Jain, Rashmi Jan, Jiri Jan, S.S. Janoski, Walter Jeelani, Mohammad I. Jeelani, Shaik Jenkins, Thomas W. Jerez, Nelmy Jian, Hua-Li Jimenez, Manuel Jiménez, Néstor Jiménez López, Eusebio Jobbagy, Akos Jochum, Oswald Jofré, Alejandro Johannesen, Ivar Johnson, Robert E. Jones, Robert B. Jones, Russel C. Jordan, Ramiro Josefsen, Jan Torgil Juchelkova, Dagmar Junior, Valfredo Pilla Justa, Roberto Pascarella