Siegfried M. Holzer*
Professor of Civil Engineering
Samruam Tongtoe and Raul H. Andruet
Graduate Students
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0105, USA


We are describing a workshop-type statics course that has been designed to promote active learning. The course includes physical experiments, interactive multimedia, and teamwork. We are providing some background for these activities and illustrating them with multimedia learning modules.


We are developing a learning environment in the subject area of statics that combines physical experiments, interactive multimedia, and cooperative learning in the framework of experience-based learning [Holzer and Andruet, 1997]. Statics is concerned with the computation of forces acting on bodies (solids or fluids) in equilibrium. The course is designed to promote the active engagement of students in learning. A review of the literature, which supports these activities, is presented and some multimedia learning modules are illustrated. We are using Authorware Professional to construct the multimedia program.


Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a four-stage cycle of learning modes (Kolb, 1984) that is based on two fundamental activities of learning: grasping and transforming experience (Fig. 1). Each activity involves two opposite but complementary modes of learning. One can grasp an experience directly through the senses (sensory, inductive mode) or indirectly in symbolic form (conceptual, deductive mode). Similarly, there are two distinct ways to transform experience, by reflection or action. At any moment in the learning process, one or a combination of the four fundamental learning modes may be involved. It is significant that their synthesis leads to higher levels of learning [Kolb, 1984]. We found it helpful to view the four-stage learning cycle as a spiral in time that extends beyond a session. For example, a concept or principle may be developed or applied in different contexts, at different times, and through different learning modes.

Figure 1. Experiential learning model up

Cooperative Learning

Extensive research has demonstrated significant advantages of cooperative learning over competitive and individualistic learning in various learning characteristics; these include (Johnson et al., 1991): high-level reasoning; generation of new ideas and solutions; motivation for learning; personal responsibility; and student retention.

Cooperative learning provides structures [Kagan, 1990] to engage students in meaningful activities that can be shared with others [Papert and Harel, 1991]. Meaningful activities include authentic activities that represent future tasks and problems and are rich in learning resources [Beichner, 1993]. Kagan [1990] encourages teachers to use a range of structures to enhance their usefulness in the cognitive and social learning of students.

We have been experimenting with some structures and have found think-pair-share [Lyman, 1987; Habel, 1996] and variations of pair activities effective in the classroom: Students think about a problem individually to organize their thoughts; they form pairs to share and discuss their solutions; they share and discuss their findings with another pair or a larger group. Cooperative learning promotes teamwork, communication, and a positive attitude towards learning. This is reflected in end-of-session minute paper (Cross, 1991) from students: "I think our group works well together. I have learned a lot from working with them." "I realized how much more I learn when I help people."


Second Time Around

We taught and evaluated a section of statics in the workshop format for the second time last fall. We met in computer labs where two students shared one computer. A session was generally divided into three parts: (1) We started with short group activities, a warm-up problem, to focus on problems or questions that surfaced in homework, weekly quizzes, or minute papers; (2) this was followed by mini lectures (10 - 15 minutes long) and cooperative activities; (3) at the end of the session, students were asked to reflect and answer questions about the day's lesson and activities (minute paper). Our learning resources included physical models of simple structures, a multimedia program that was used in lectures and group activities, pencil and paper for manual activities, and a board to aid discussions.

The biggest challenge, especially in the first course, was to achieve a good balance among various activities. This is crucial for students who are not highly motivated or skilled learners; a rich, active learning environment can become overwhelming. This potential problem can be reduced as follows: (1) Give students the opportunity to master one unit of learning modules before moving to the next [Terenzini and Pascarella, 1994]; (2) frequently place learning modules in context of the course framework and objectives, the students' background, and real engineering problems; and (3) provide frequent feedback. It is also important to stress the students' responsibility for learning and the benefits of helping one another learn.

In the second course, the students adapted quickly to the new learning environment. The following comments selected from minute papers reflect their attitudes: "Groups/pairs are great to work in." "Good to have a few minutes to think/reflect before conversing with partner." "Interesting learning concept; good to be part." "Computer and partner interaction makes class seem easier. More ideas are aired with this environment." "The group activities allow for personal interaction and verbal comparison. Then reverting to the computer to see the answer and diagram really helps." "Computer is very user friendly and set up well for learning." "The computer diagrams really helped me to understand the concept of components." "The program that we are using is so easy to operate and understand. Technology, isn't it wonderful." "I feel like I am getting a good grasp on the material." "Seeing it on the computer helps so much." "I enjoyed answering the questions of my partner." "I am actually enjoying this class."

Multimedia Learning Modules

We are illustrating how experiential learning (Fig. 1) can be used inductively to help students develop the relation between a force and its rectangular components (Fig. 2). The names of the four-stage learning cycle in Fig. 3 reflect the activities involved. Deductive modules are provided in the program for reviews. We are using force boards for concrete experiences. A selection of screens is presented to illustrate learning activities.

1. Experiment. Students experiment in pairs with a force board (Fig. 4). They are asked to use the think-pair-share structure to explain why the single force is equivalent to the rectangular components (Fig. 5): Students think about the reason individually; they discuss their solutions in pairs; they share and compare their solutions with other pairs or a larger group. The students enter their answers (one computer per pair) and check the program's answer (Fig. 5).

2. Analysis. The students construct force diagrams (Fig. 6) and use the parallelogram and triangle rules to reinforce the experimental results (Fig. 7). They are asked to apply the geometric addition rules manually to strengthen sensory learning (Fig. 8). In addition, students compute the single force-rectangular component relations (Figs. 9 and 10). Figure 9 includes a note on precision, and Fig. 10 illustrates feedback to an incorrect value of Fy.

3. Relations. The students are asked to summarize the algebraic relations between a force and its rectangular components manually and to compare them with those presented on screen (Fig. 11).

4. Testing. In the final stage of the experiential learning cycle, students test the geometric and algebraic force-rectangular component relations on a different set of string forces (Fig. 12).

Vector Form. Once the relation between a force and its rectangular components has been developed, the vector representation of a force (Fig. 13) becomes meaningful.


Workshop Statics, a laboratory-based learning environment for statics, is being developed. It includes hands-on experiments, group activities, and interactive multimedia in the framework of experiential learning. The four-stage experiential learning cycle is illustrated in the development of relations between a force and its rectangular components.


Funding for this work was provided by the NSF to SUCCEED (Cooperative Agreement No. EID-9109053). SUCCEED is a coalition of eight schools and colleges working to enhance engineering education for the twenty-first century. The work was also supported by a grant from the Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at Virginia Tech.


Beichner, R. J., "A Multimedia Editing Environment Promoting Science Learning in a Unique Setting--A Case Study," Proc. of Ed-Media 93--World Conf. on Educ. Multimedia and Hypermedia, Orlando, Florida, June (1993)

Cross, K. P., "Effective College Teaching," Prism, ASEE, October (1991)

Habel, Margaret, CEUT Faculty Workshop, Virginia Tech, February 10 (1996)

Holzer, S. M. and R. H. Andruet, "Multimedia Learning Environment in Statics," Proc. of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 97-- World Conf. on Educ. Multimedia and Hypermedia and World Conf. on Educational Telecommunications, Calgary, Canada, June 14-19, (1997)

Johnson, D. W., R. T. Johnson and K. A. Smith, Active Learning: Cooperation in the Classroom, Interaction Book Company, Edina, MN (1991)

Kagan, S., "The Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning," Educational Leadership, December (1989)/January (1990)

Kolb, D., Experiential Learning, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1984)

Kozma, R. B. and J. Johnston, "The Technological Revolution Comes to the Classroom" Change, 23(1), 10, January/February (1991)

Lyman, F., "Think-Pair-Share: An Expanding Teaching Technique," MAACIE, Cooperative News, 1, 1 (1987)

Papert, S. A. and I. Harel, Eds, Constructionism, Ablex Publishing, Norwood, NJ (1991)

Terenzini, P.T. and E. T. Pascarella, "Living with Miths, Undergraduate Education in America" Change, January/February (1994)

Figure 2. Rectangular Components up

Figure 3. Development up

Figure 4. Experiment up

Figure 5. Equivalence up

Figure 6. Force Diagram up

Figure 7. Triangle Rule up

Figure 8. Manual Construction up

Figure 9. Algebraic Addition up

Figure 10. Algebraic Resolution up

Figure 11. Relations up

Figure 12. Testing up

Figure 13. Vector Form up

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